AMD’s Ryzen 7000 desktop processors are slated for a late 2022 launch (potentially September) with the mobility chips following just a few months later. The chipmaker is promising the best gaming CPUs in 2023 with its Zen 4 core architecture, fabbed on TSMC’s 5nm process. This includes Raphael with a TDP of 65W for desktops, an optimized variant with reduced TDP for “extreme” gaming laptops codenamed Dragon Range, and finally Phoenix which is the successor to Cezanne.
Raphael and Dragon Range will be based on the same dies and support DDR5 memory with roughly the same levels of TDP for the base non-X variants. They will feature an integrated GPU with just 2-4 CUs to encourage OEM/SI adoption. Phoenix will consist of APUs with reduced L3 cache and hefty iGPUs.
According to Greymon, the top-end Ryzen 7000 “Phoenix” processors will have integrated graphics on par with the GeForce RTX 3060 mobile (60W). This is an incredible leap in iGPU performance as you’re getting the capabilities of a midrange laptop that costs over $1,500 for roughly $1,000-1,200. The inclusion of LPDDR5 memory and TSMC’s 5nm node will significantly improve the performance and power efficiency of AMD’s next-gen products.
Phoenix should launch at CES 2023 which is slated to take place in January next year. It will max out at 8 cores and rock a monolithic design while Dragon Range will be a chiplet design and a core count of up to 16.