AMD’s Ryzen 7000 CPUs are stepping out of the shadows as the launch date gets nearer. The Sisoft Sandra benchmarks are one of the first to leak out (courtesy of APISAK), and we have a nice little graph from Hans de Vries, summing up the generation-over-generation gains of the Zen family. Looking at the below figures, it’s clear that the Ryzen 7000 lineup is as much of an upgrade as its predecessor.
As reported earlier, the Zen 4 integer pipeline is much more efficient, beating Zen 3 by a substantial margin. The Ryzen 9 7900X looks to offer the biggest uplift, beating the Ryzen 9 5900X by a lofty 55% in integer workloads and a more paltry 33% in floating point-intensive applications.
This matches with what Raichu reported a while back. Raphael beats Intel’s both Golden and Raptor Cove cores in the integer Spec benchmarks but sits in between the two in the floating-point benchmarks. Either way, the deltas are all quite small, indicating roughly the same levels of performance from both the next-gen families.