It looks like Apple won’t be completely abandoning Intel processors just yet. According to a well-reputed source from China, the Mac Pro 2022 will be based on the Xeon W-3300 processors. These CPUs are based on the 10nm Ice Lake-SP with up to 38 cores and 76 threads, the highest Intel has ever offered on the consumer front. They will rely on the LGA-4189 socket with 64 PCIe 4.0 lanes, 8-channel DDE4-3200 memory with support for up to 4TB, and a TDP target of 270W.
Apple had originally stated that it would completely ween off Intel processors by the end of 2021. If this rumor is true, then Apple’s Jade SoC (M2) has most likely run into a hitch, most likely a delay as a result of the silicon shortages. According to reports, Jade will be offered in two configurations: A 20-core variant and a 40 core variant. The former would feature 16 high-performance cores and 4 efficiency cores, and the latter doubling both the counts.
The existing Mac Pro lineup features the older 14nm Cascade Lake-based Xeon-W processors with up to 28 cores and DDR4-2933 memory with a peak capacity of up to 1.5 TB. These CPUs have a peak boost clock of 4.6GHz and a TDP of 205W. The newer Ice Lake-based Xeons should provide a sizable boost over the older Skylake design.