Intel launched its refreshed Tiger Lake-U processors during its Computex 2021 Keynote in the form of the Core i7-1195G7 and the Core i5-1155G7 SKUs. The two are essentially higher-clocked variants of the original flagships, and yet manage to beat them by a notable margin. The former scored an impressive 1,700 points in the Geekbench 5 single-core benchmark and 6,005 in the multi-core test.
This puts the 28W Core i7-1195G7 right next to the 125W Core i7-11700K which is a desktop SKU based on the Sunny Cove (Cypress Cove) architecture, in terms of single-threaded performance. On the multi-threaded front, it manages to beat the hex-core Core i5-11400F which is also a desktop-grade SKU with a TDP of 65W and six cores, compared to just four on the 1195G7.
This bodes well for the Alder Lake-S lineup which is going to feature the Golden Cove core architecture on the company’s 10nm Enhanced SuperFin node. Intel might just put the pressure back on AMD later this year with the launch of its first mainstream hybrid core processors. (