The first Geekbench benchmark of the Intel Core i7-13700K has been spotted. Offering 16 cores and 24 threads, this high-end Raptor Lake part doubles down on the efficiency cores. In addition to the increased core count, we’re looking at an L3 cache of 30MB and an L2 of 2MB per P-core. This particular sample was running at a base and boost clock of 3.4GHz and 5.4GHz, respectively. It was paired with the ASRock Z690 and 32GB of DDR4 memory @ 3600MT/s.
The Core i7-13700K scored 2,090 points in the single-threaded and 16,542 points in the multi-threaded benchmark. These figures just put it ahead of the 16-core AMD, while also beating the Core i7-12700K by 17% in the multi-threaded segment. These are reassuring scores if you are an Intel fan. Considering that AMD’s next-gen Ryzen 7000 CPUs are roughly 40% faster than their predecessors in multi-threaded workloads, you can be sure that the Raptor Lake offerings will level, if not outright beat them.
Source: Benchleaks