Details regarding Intel’s upcoming DG2/Xe-HPG graphics cards have been relatively scarce in the past few weeks. Till now, we’ve heard about the specifications, the target market, and the expected performance of these graphics cards aimed at gamers, but no actual benchmarks. The prominent leaker, @APISAK (Twitter) has today shared the first supposed (gaming?) benchmark of a high-end and an entry-level DG2 part:
As you can see, the Xe-High Performance Gaming graphics cards are going to be present in most segments of the gaming market, competing with the budget-oriented (and very popular) GeForce GTX 1650 at $150, while also tackling the higher-end offerings from both NVIDIA and AMD in the $400-500 range. In the case of the latter, it looks like the second-fastest DG2 card packing 448EUs at a frequency of 1.8GHz will be just shy of the RTX 3070. This implies that the top-end offering with 512 EUs should be able to trade blows with the GeForce RTX 3070 Ti and the Radeon RX 6800.
It’s important to note that while the higher-end parts do seem impressive, it’s the budget offerings that will have a bigger impact on the market. At present, more than half of all “gaming” laptops feature the GeForce GTX 1650. If Intel can offer a faster alternative at roughly the same pricing, it’ll take a big chunk out of NVIDIA’s pie. Furthermore, with the company already being very well established in the notebook and OEM ecosystem, adoption shouldn’t be an issue either. Overall, this should put a squeeze on the budget graphics card market that has been largely neglected over the past few generations, and since these segments are the bread and butter of most vendors, they’ll be forced to respond in one way or another.