Nintendo is working on the second iteration of its Switch console, slated to land in early 2024. According to RedGamingTech, the next-gen handheld will boast an NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPU alongside Arm Cortex X4 CPU cores. As per the YouTuber, the SoC on the Switch 2 would feature two Cortex X4 “P” cores, two Cortex A720, and four Cortex A520 “E” cores. On the GPU side, you’re looking at an Ada Lovelace GPU with 2,048 shaders across 16 SMs.
The use of an Ada Lovelace GPU for the Switch 2 implies support for advanced technologies, including DLSS 2, DLSS 3 “Frame Generation“, DLSS 3.5 “Ray Reconstruction“, and of course, hardware accelerated ray tracing. A 2,048 shader or 16 SM GPU indicates a slightly slower RTX 4050 with reduced power limits.
The Nintendo Switch is powered by the Tegra X1, an 8-year-old SoC based on the Maxwell architecture. It packs just 256 shaders across 2 SMs clocked at 307MHz to 768MHz. The memory consists of 4GB of LPDDR4 clocked at 1,600MHz, offering a bandwidth of 25.6GB/s.
Looking at the rumored Switch 2, we can easily expect 1080p gaming without any hitches, at least in docked mode. Ray tracing support will likely remain limited to a select few titles, with DLSS 3 skyrocketing performance across various offerings.
Nintendo is expected to unveil the Nintendo Switch 2 during the Tokyo Game Show between the 21st and 24th of September (later this month).
Source: RGT.