The specifications of the NVIDIA’s RTX 3050 Ti have surfaced. The source (as usual) is @kopite7kimi from Twitter. As per the well-reputed Twitterer, the GeForce RTX 3050 Ti will be based on the GA106-150-A1 die (same as the RTX 3060, albeit cut down). The GPU will feature 3,072 FP32 cores and half as many INT32 cores, paired with 6 or 12GB of GDDR6 memory via a 192-bit bus.
In comparison, the mobile variant of the RTX 3050 Ti is limited to 2,560 FP32 cores and 4GB of GDDR6 memory (via a 128-bit bus). As such, we’re looking at a rather lofty upgrade for the desktop SKU. The RTX 3050 along with the 3050 Ti are expected to be the most popular graphics cards over the next year, and the first (under the $300 mark) to support ray-tracing and DLSS.
Info on the RTX 3050 is scant. As per Kimi, it will use the GA107-350-A1 die and feature 2,304 shaders, with a TDP of around 100W. The bus width is likely going to be 128-bit which indicates a memory size of 4 or 8GB. NVIDIA has been focusing on the higher-end Ampere graphics cards to maximize revenue, much like AMD. (valium) Under normal circumstances, the x50, x50 Ti, x60 are the most popular SKUs from the vendor due to their VFM aspect. However, due to the upheaval created by component shortages and cryptominers, it’s open season in the GPU market as seen by the launch of the Radeon RX 6600 (for $329).