Overclocking Tool “MPT” Won’t Support Radeon RX 7900 Series as AMD Locks Down Power Tables

Overclocking AMD’s Radeon RX 7900 series graphics cards is a fool’s errand. The reference variants run very close to their power limit, and any attempts to raise the clocks result in throttling with little to no performance gain. The MorePowerTool (MPT) was developed to overcome vendor-enforced limitations on overclocking Radeon graphics cards.

Developed by the Igor’s Lab community, MPT allows fine-grained overclocking of the Radeon 5000 and 6000 series graphics cards. It allows users to tune performance by raising overclocking limits, optimizing frequency and power curves, and setting higher power/voltage envelopes. Using MPT, you can run cheaper variants at the same power and frequency as factory-overclocked variants with higher performance limits.

Unfortunately, the same won’t be possible with the RDNA 3 family. AMD has allegedly locked down every variable required for the functioning of the MorePowerTool (MPT). The drivers and firmware have been double and triple-secured, and the only way to get around it would involve rewriting the entire code.

Maybe one or the other has read my last post in the MPT thread at Igor, but we, i.e. mainly gupsterg and his contacts, have now come to some conclusions. Of course, Veii has already determined his part, and we actually all agree.

Pretty much everything is double and triple secured. We would have to rewrite firmware and drivers, and we can’t do that. Not even under Linux. So there will be no MPT for RDNA3.
AMD really screwed it up this time.

Incidentally, firmware flashing is also controlled via PSP, and we can no longer easily hack AMD software to enable you to flash it. Seems to only work with an external programmer.

This means that you now pay for your power limits and features, you cannot change or activate them afterwards.

via HardwareLuxx Forums

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