A handheld gaming PC based on Intel’s upcoming Lunar Lake processors has leaked. Known as the GP10, it will join the scores of Chinese handhelds, but only the second based on an Intel SoC. The first was the MSI Claw which leverages the Core Ultra “Meteor Lake” processors but fails to challenge AMD’s Ryzen Z1 and Z1 Extreme-based offerings.
Intel’s graphics drivers have been improving, but it’ll be a while before it catches up to AMD in the gaming segment. And by a while, I mean at least a year or two. AMD’s Adrenalin graphics application features several game optimization tools, including RSR (Radeon Super Resolution), FMF (Fluid Motion Frames), Radeon Boost, Anti-Lag, etc. Intel’s application has none.
Lunar Lake is set to succeed Meteor Lake in the high-end mobility segment with an upgraded process node, core architectures, and NPU unit. According to rumors, the CPU tile will leverage the Lion Cove and Skymont cores and be fabbed on TSMC’s 3nm (N3B) node. The GPU will be based on the Xe3 “Battlemage” graphics architecture, the first of its kind, and the NPU will be 2-3x faster than Meteor.
PC World nabbed the specifications of the Weibo GP10 handheld before the page was taken down:
- Display: 10.95-inch (1920×1200,120Hz).
- SoC: Intel Lunar Lake (8 cores @ >4GHz for P, 14MB+ L3 cache).
- DRAM: LPDDR5 (up to 64GB)
- Storage: M.2. NVMe 2280 SSD (PCIe Gen 5, up to 2TB).
- Wireless: 802.11ac/802.11ax.
- Ports: USB-C, TF, 3.5mm jack.
Weibo is expected to unveil its first handheld PC at Computex next month. We might even know more about Intel’s Lunar Lake and Arrow Lake processors.